Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evolution Of Enterpreneurship

Kelompok 1
Novian Suranta (15115133)
Rendi Yosandri (15115751)
Satrian Wicaksono (16115426)
Shafira Maulina (16115510)
Ulfatunisa Manu (16115973)

Evolution Of Entreprenership

  1. The First Entrepreneur: Neolithic's Caveman
The first entrepreneur was the engineering caveman. While the other cave dwellers lugged their food on slabs, he saw the need for a better system of transportation and invented the wheel.
  1. Trader's Delight: The Phoenician
Phoenician traders sailed up and down the Mediterranean selling Tyrian Purple, a commodity desired by the Greeks. And they also were the first to use the alphabet to hold trades strategy.
  1. To Market They Go: Roman Merchants
Roman entrepreneurs were present in all the open-air markets and covered shops, hawking goods by the side of the road. They also expanded their business to Roman military camps, where they sold food and clothing to soldiers.
  1. Explore-Preneurs: Renaissance Trades Man
Began business in exploration and the newest invention, the printing press, while many still maintained trade businesses.
  1. American Innovation: Colonial America
The next evolutionary stage of entrepreneurship came during colonial times, as represented by Benjamin Franklin. Among his many parents, newspapers and print shops, he never fprgot the most important tool for any entrepreneur: effective networking.
  1. Golden Age : 1840s-1870s
The next form of the entrepreneur came in the form of men heading. West in the 1840s to find gold. While many treasure hunters came back empty-handed, Levi Strauss and other entrepreneurs made the journey because they saw market potential in these diggers.
  1. Utilitarian Entrepreneur: 1880s-1900s
Tech-savvy entrepreneurs, who evolved in the late 1880s and early 1900s, based their businesses on electricity. Men like Thomas Edison came from humble origins, but soon turned their businesses into larger-than-life corporations.
  1. Ladies’ Turn: 1920s
With the suffrage movement gaining momentum, many women began starring their own businesses. One such entrepreneur, CoCo Chanel, created international sensation because of her clothes and savvy business skills.
  1. Revenge Of The Geeks: 1980s-1990s
The next entrepreneurial evolution did not occur until the late 80s and early 90s, when start-ups-began navigating the Internet. Then, any entrepreneur worth his salt had a business card that ended in .com.
  1. Tweet This, Like That : 2006-Present
Instead of using the Internet as a forum for their business, social media entrepreneurs are reshaping it to fit their business. These social media entrepreneurs thrive on connectivity and social media colloquialisms such as ‘Like’,’Digg,’and’Tweet’.

The Evolution of Entrepreneurship
The pursuit of profit isn’t a new one, and from Marco Polo to Mark Zuckerberg, the world has seen many different faces attempt this venture. One common characteristic, though? Entrepreneurship. Take a look at what it looked like seven centuries ago, and how it has evolved since.
  • Adventure-preneur
Global business? That’s not a 21st century discovery. In fact, we have the early Renaissance entrepreneurs to thank for that. Craftsmen in the 1300s spent several years working as apprentices to learn their trade, make more money and therefore hold more power in civic affairs. When product demand eventually grew to be more than the average tradesman could provide, trade expanded into other countries, and the “adventure-preneur” was born.
  • Colonial Expansion
Thanks to ship-building advancement, the first global company, the Dutch East India Company, got its start during this time period. With international travel now booming, merchants began readjusting their selling tactics by strategically setting up trading posts along trade routes to sell supplies to shipping crews. Because colonies didn’t rapidly show profit in these tactics, many English investors withdrew their capital, leaving the market less-competitive– and entrepreneurs more independent than ever (Cue the United States’ independence).
  • Industrial Revolution
The next evolutionary stage of entrepreneurship introduces the great innovators many of us so commonly know. Inventors such as Benjamin Franklin and Eli Whitney thrived during this era, but they weren’t the only ones in the market. Business owners could taste what success was like, and began rapidly working on inventions to increase productivity, scale manufacturing and reduce costs. And with wind-powered energy a hindrance of the past, they did just that. In fact, we can thank the inventors of this time period for the technology, transportation and communication that we have today.
  • 20th Century
With global trade, electricity and communication now at most entrepreneurs’ fingertips, business in the 20th century was on the rise, with no end in sight. With mass communication now a viable option for marketing a business, 20th century business owners took advantage of it. Advertising spending went up to 45% of the United States’ income, and by 1910, $600 million was being invested into advertising for big businesses alone. For the first time ever, entrepreneurs had newspapers, television and radio as platforms to share their products with the world.
  • Today
Welcome to the Information Age! Gone are the days when computers fill an entire room. Personal computers are now the norm, and global marketplaces can be accessed with the click of a button. Geographic borders, that were once limitations, have been blurred, and most entrepreneurs can boast a “.com” at the end of their business name. Modern day business owners no longer just spend their time innovating new products and services, but instead, they manage employees and run new companies.
  • The Future
We may not be able to predict what entrepreneurship will look like in the future, or whose face will represent the next era, but we know one thing will remain the same– our team at Arkansas Capital will be here supporting entrepreneurs and growing local businesses in our state. Since 1957, our team has provided flexible financing products of over $1.5 billion in capital to help meet business owners’ needs. 
The  Stages Of  Evolution For  Entrepreneurs Across The World
Discover the stages of evolution for successful entrepreneurs who have made it big throughout the course of time. Interesting research by Grasshopper Group, on how Bill Gates” age of founding Microsoft would have differed compared to the age of Facebook and Twitter, where the rise of mobile applications, cloud computing and online communities have shifted consumer interactions and behaviours globally.
From the Stone Age, to the Medieval Age where barter trading thrived as a entrepreneurial venture, to the introduction of suited men or computer geeks in the 1980s founding IT companies, to now founders who dress up casually and work with communities online. Follow this journey of discovering how far entrepreneurs have evolved and come to being, to be relevant for the demands of this time or age. What is next?
Stages of Entrepreneurship
Stage 1 : The Birth of Your Start-Up: This is the beginning of the entrepreneurship cycle of an entrepreneur. It is filled with mixed emotions of excitement, thrill and fear all at the same time. It is time you are seeking independence in the business world and ready to create your own name in the market. You have had a million dollar idea for your startup, but you are not quite sure how to execute it at this stage. But you have a clear vision and a clear mission.
Stage 2 : Surviving and Growing Your Business: This is the stage where you have successfully launched your new company, and now you are looking for strategies to survive in the industry. Some entrepreneurs look for investors who could fund their start-ups while some others chose to stay independent. Both have their pros and cons. While choosing to stay independent will give you more power and control over your start-up, it will put you in a tricky financial situation. The main aim of this stage is survival.  You have to select what is best for you.
Stage 3 : The Hyper Stage: When your company is seeing hyper growth suddenly, you will not be in control of the outcomes. At this stage, many start-ups go into trouble because entrepreneurs start getting over confident having seen success. They feel that there is nothing they could do wrong. Those who get cocky at this stage end up being blindsided. Some entrepreneurs start celebrating and enjoying in this stage and completely forget about their desired goals and missions. To survive this stage, you have to be stable. Your start-up has to be stable.
Stage 4 : The Prime Stage: When your company has crossed the point of survival and stability that is when real success is reached. This is the more predictable growth phase. It is best to stay in his phase as long as you can. You realize that other businesses and companies can make you stronger because they themselves are strong enough. You start to explore partnerships with other companies. You form inter depended relations with other successful companies. This keeps your company in its prime and enhances your growth opportunities.
Stage 5 : Aging and Early Decline: A situation might come up where one of the most significant faces of your company moves out or your partnerships with others dont work out. Someone else might have come up with a better idea in the market, and your idea might have become useless. This leads to your business and company being disrupted. At this stage, you can do one of two things: You can either restart your journey to unwind what you began, or you can disrupt your company.
Stage 6 : Illness and Rapid Decline: This phase should be expected if you are too late in figuring out the early signs of decline. This happens when your team is no longer sure what they are supposed to do, or it is unable to fix the problems that come up. If you don’t take action immediately, it will lead to fears, uncertainties and doubts setting in. The company is sure to fail and decline if no action is taken.
Stage 7 : Death: There are times when no matter how hard we work to make a start-up work, it just fails. Sometimes you are so deep into the hole that has been created due to bankruptcy or restrained cash flow, that there is no way to dig yourself out. At times like these, the best option is to shut your business down because it is leading nowhere. Take it down before it takes you down with it.
It is better to be well informed and well researched before entering the world of entrepreneurships and start-ups. Know what you’re doing and stay focused on your goals.

Source :
  1. https://grasshopper.com/resources/infographics/evolution-of-the-entrepreneur
  2. http://arcapital.com/the-evolution-of-entrepreneurship/
  3. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/293463

Thursday, June 20, 2019

OPINI : Peranan Penting Bahasa Inggris dalam Dunia IT

Perkembangan zaman yang begitu pesat menyebabkan semua kegiatan dan kebiasaan yang kita lakukan akan bergeser menjadi hal yang bisa berdampak positif maupun negative. Seiring zaman berlalu, teknologi kian semakin canggih dengan adanya revolusi dan penemuan baru setiap waktu demi kepentingan peradaban manusia. Setiap orang dari berbagai ras, suku, antar negara saling berinteraksi untuk berkerjasama guna mengembangkan teknologi yang lebih modern.
Di setiap negara memiliki standart Bahasa untuk berbicara secara universal dengan negara luar, salah satunya yaitu adalah Bahasa inggris, yang dimana Bahasa inggris sendiri menjadi peranan yang sangat vital dalam kehidupan kita saat ini. Bagaimana tidak? Setiap forum perkembangan teknologi mayoritas pengguna lanjut ( advance ) menggunakan Bahasa inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan didunia luar untuk berdiskusi, menyampaikan pendapat, portal berita, artikel dan masih banyak lagi.
Bahasa itu sendiri adalah cara kita untuk mengekspresikan diri / berkomunikasi dengan orang lain sehingga orang lain tersebut mampu menerima apa yang kita sampaikan. Bahasa Inggris merupakan keahlian yang harus diasa setiap harinya baik dari lisan maupun tulisan sehingga kita mampu menggunakan Bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar. Ada banyak manfaat ketika kita mampu menguasai Bahasa inggris selain daripada untuk menghadapi pasar global, berinteraksi dengan dunia luar.
Ketika kita mampu menguasai Bahasa inggris, maka kita memiliki asset yang sangat berharga untuk kita jadikan portofolio sehingga mampu menarik para rekan bisnis kita. Kita mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara lain dalam hal pekerjaan. Di Indonesia sendiri Bahasa inggris sudah mulai menjadi kebutuhan yang vital demi proses transisi dari negara berkembang ke negara maju rakyat Indonesia harus sadar bahwasannya Bahasa inggris menjadi hal yang utama ketika ingin berkomunikasi dengan dunia luar.
Teknologi Informasi yang beroperasi saat in umumnya menggunakan Bahasa inggris untuk pengoperasiannya sehingga kita sebagai user sajapun harus mampu minimal menguasai Bahasa inggris secara passive dalam mengoperasikan teknologi yang kita gunakan tersebut dengan baik dan benar nantinya. Apalagi kita sebagai para pengembang ( developer ) butuh banyak sekali pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris Science karena banyak diksi atau kosakata yang harus kita kuasai ketika kita akan mendevelop suatu program. Dikarenakan pentingnya penggunaan Bahasa inggris disegala aspek teknologi informasi maka kita di “wajibkan” untuk belajar dan membiasakan diri dalam penggunaan Bahasa inggris sehari-hari untuk berkompetisi di era globalisasi ini.
Pada Era MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN) masyarakat Indonesia memiliki tantangan baru untuk berjuang dalam kompetisi dengan negara ASEAN. Bagaimana tidak? Seluruh negara ASEAN  berlomba-lomba mengadu nasib dengan berkerja di negara luar. Peranan Bahasa inggris pada era MEA ini luar biasa pentingnya untuk bersaing dengan negara tetangga. Bahasa inggris mendominasi dalam segala aspek, baik itu teknis maupun non teknis. Sehingga kita tak mungkin dipungkiri lagi Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi Bahasa yang resmi digunakan oleh Internasional dalam dunia Teknologi, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Politik, Budaya dan bidang lainnya.
Banyak manfaat yang bisa kita gunakan Bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari secara individu maupun kelompok. Dampak yang luar biasa dirasakan adalah kita mampu kompetitif dalam bersaing disegala aspek. Kemudahan dalam mempelajari Bahasa inggris saat ini sudah sangat mudah dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya, maka dari itu rugi jikalau kita tidak mau menerima dan berusaha untuk lebih baik dalam belajar Bahasa inggris dan menerapkannya.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Cover Letter

Jakarta, 1 May 2019
Mr. Sutopo Singalah
Head of Information Technology

P.T. Alam Semesta Indah
Jalan Moestopo No 12A
Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 12124

Dear Mr. Sutopo

This email is in regards to my interest in applying for the Web Developer position recently posted through your official website alamsemestaindah.com/careers. With my skill-set and competencies I am more than able to develop interactive and mobile responsive website.

While pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Information and Technology from Gunadarma University, I have developed skills in PHP, Java, Javascript programming, User Experience and User Interface Design, Database and also Networking Security. This knowledge has enabled me to develop modern, stable, and interactive website for users.

I started my career as an front-end developer in 2014, and also i have experienced as a full stack developer since 2015 until now.

I know that Alam Semesta Indah is currently being so serious to develop web application for further competition in order to thrive in this business area so this project is a perfect match for my personal and professional interest. I would love to leverage my knowledge of web developer to achieve groundbreaking result with this initiative.

I have attached my resume highlighting my academic and professional skills and look forward to hearing from you in soon.

Best Regards,

Rendi Yosandri

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada dua jenis linking words atau kata penghubung, yaitu conjuctiondan connector.

Apa itu conjunction? Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, conjunction (jamak: conjunctions) dikenal sebagai konjungsi atau kata sambung. Fungsi utamanya adalah seperti lem yang digunakan untuk menyambungkan dua atau lebih kata, kalimat, maupun klausa menjadi satu.

Contoh dari conjunction adalah:


Menurut fungsinya, conjunctions dibagi ke dalam dua kategori, yaitu: coordinating conjunctions dan subordinating conjunctions.

Selain itu, conjunction juga bisa digunakan secara berpasangan. Pasangan conjunction ini lebih sering disebut dengan correlatives.

Contoh conjunction dalam kalimat:
I tried to help the bickering neighbor, but my brother said I shouldn’t meddle with others’ business.
I was in the kitchen when I heard someone knock the door.
I don’t think I would be able to finish the cake off because I’m already full.

Apa perbedaan conjunction dengan connector?

Meski sama-sama kata penghubung, keduanya berbeda pada penggunaannya. Conjuctiondigunakan untuk menyambungkan kata, kalimat atau klausa ke dalam satu kalimat, sedangkan connector digunakan untuk menunjukan adanya hubungan antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat berikutnya.

Contoh penggunaan connector:
Accurate referencing is essential for academic work, but it isn’t because of its immediately apparent to higher education. This essay will, therefore, examine why it is important for academic writing.

Reading aloud to young children stimulates their interest in books. Similarly, visiting libraries or book fairs has been shown to increase children’s readiness to engage with print.

Connector merupakan bagian dari transition words yang menghubungkan satu kalimat dengan kalimat selanjutnya.


Relative Caluses

Klausa relatif atau relative clause adalah bagian kalimat yang tidak terlalu penting. Klausa relatif dapat memberikan makna tambahan. Tetapi jika dihilangkan, kalimat akan tetap memiliki tata bahasa yang benar. Ada dua jenis klausa relatif dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita sebaiknya dapat membedakan keduanya karena memengaruhi pemilihan kata ganti (pronoun) yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan klausa. Ada halaman yang lebih detail mengenai penempatan preposisi dalam klausa relatif.

Defining atau identifying clause menjelaskan orang atau benda manakah yang kita bicarakan dalam sekelompok orang atau benda yang lebih besar. Jika defining clause dihilangkan, arti dari kalimat berubah secara signifikan. Defining relative clause tidak dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.

The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

Pelajari selengkapnya mengenai cara menggunakan defining relative clause dengan benar.

Non-defining atau non-essential clause memberikan informasi tentang orang atau benda yang kita bicarakan. Jika non-defining relative clause dihilangkan dari kalimat, kita akan kehilangan detailnya, tetapi arti kalimat secara keseluruhan tetap sama. Non-defining relative clause selalu dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.

The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.


Passive Voice, Causative Have

Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika subjek tidak bertanggung jawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi, melainkan seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain yang melakukan aksi tersebut. Contohnya adalah : “I had my hair cut”. Subjek I pada kalimat tersebut tidak memotong rambutnya sendiri tapi justru membuat orang lain yang melakukannya. Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering digunakan, yakni have, get, let, dan make.


Have merupakan kata kerja causative yang umum. Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk menginginkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu untuk subjek. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Kalimat aktif : S + (have/ had + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object. Kalimat pasif : S+(have-had)+object+action verb(V-3).

Contoh : •I had my brother take that glass (aktif)

•Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper (aktif)

•I had my jacket cleaned yesterday (pasif)

•I had my computer fixed (pasif)


Penggunaan kata kerja Get mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive) Pasif : S + (got) + object + action verb (V-3)

Contoh : •He got his father to buy a ball (aktif)

•I got my jacket cleaned (pasif)

3. Let

Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk membiarkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + let + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

•Wil you let me go now?

•She lets me drive her car

•My father lets me choose the gift

3. Make

Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk memaksa atau sangat meyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :

Aktif : S + (make/ made) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)

Contoh :

•The manager makes her staff work hard

•My teacher made me apologize for what I had said

•Did she makes you wear that ugly hat?
